Say hello, Wave goodbye
Standing at the door of the Pink Flamingo crying in the rain
It was a kind of so-so love
And I'm going to make sure it doesn't happen again
You and I had to be the standing joke of the year
You were a run around, a lost and found
And not for me, I fear
So insecure you see
Well I've put up with all the scenes,
This is one scene that's goin to be played my way
Take your hands off me, please
I don't belong to you, you see
Take a look in my face, for the last time
I never knew you, you never knew me
Say hello goodbye
Say hello an wave goodbye
It was a kind of so-so love
And I'm going to make sure it doesn't happen again
You and I had to be the standing joke of the year
You were a run around, a lost and found
And not for me, I fear
So insecure you see
Well I've put up with all the scenes,
This is one scene that's goin to be played my way
Take your hands off me, please
I don't belong to you, you see
Take a look in my face, for the last time
I never knew you, you never knew me
Say hello goodbye
Say hello an wave goodbye
Har för övrigt kommit hem från sthlm i kväll och hur känns det då? Ja, ärligt talat vet jag inte hur det känns. Bra, Jobbigt, skönt, Dåligt, lite delade meningar. Resan till sthlm behövdes iaf, första dagen där nere kändes det mesta mycket klarare och jag kunde försöka bestämma vissa saker, framsteg för mig:). Nä nu ska jag sova, i morgon gäller det att börja ta tag i saker och ting, igen... suck!
texten är förövrigt från en bra låt av David Grey:)
Saknar er!